Tuesday, March 13, 2012

#GOVERNOR vs. #Hairdresser: #Santa #Fe battle

Governor: Protesting hairstylist too chatty for her tastes     Salon owner turned down appointment request over gov.'s gay-marriage stance
Gov. Susana Martinez said Monday that she will continue to fight efforts to legalize same-sex marriage in New Mexico despite the refusal by a Santa Fe hairstylist to cut her hair because of her opposition to marriage equality.                                                     COMMENT: SORRY TO SOUND SEXIST, BUT WOULD A MALE GOVERNOR ANNOUNCE THIS?

Martinez told The Huffington Post that the recent attention paid to gay stylist Antonio Darden is a bit of a surprise because he isn't even her regular stylist, and she thought he was too chatty on the occasions when she did go to his salon.

"First of all, if reporters would ask me the first question, which would be, 'Is he my hair stylist?' The answer is no," Martinez told The Huffington Post.
COMMENT: ASK THAT BEFORE ASKING WHY ARE YOU SUCH A DORK ON IMMIGRANTS?   "He did my hair three times when I first moved to Santa Fe. But frankly he talked too much. ... I just went, 'You know, I go here to relax.' "

The Republican governor also questioned how far Darden would carry his protest.   "I guess this hairstylist would also refuse to cut President Obama's hair since he also opposes gay marriage," Martinez spokesman Greg Blair said in an email to The New Mexican.  COMMENT: A MARTINEZ GOTCHA.

Darden, owner of Antonio's Hair Studio, did not return a phone call Tuesday seeking comment.  Two weeks ago, the 46-year-old Darden left the Governor's Office a voice mail (hear that audio here) expressing his outrage at her stance on gay marriage and said he not only would refuse to serve her but hoped others in the Santa Fe area who work in the service industry would follow suit.

"If I'm not good enough to be married, I'm not going to cut her hair," Darden told The New Mexican last week.  COMMENT: NOT SURE WHAT ONE HAS TO DO WITH THE OTHER???                                  COMMENT: A SNIT WITH SNIPPERS?  TEMPEST WITH A TEASE?  GONNA WASH THAT WOMAN RIGHT OUT OF MY HAIR. 

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