Sunday, March 18, 2012

#Jesus and the Stain continued in #Santa #Fe

Jesus and the stain, continued.
         We became concerned after noon, when there was no sight of Jesus or the crew.   So I called Bob, who exploded with invectives and complaints.  He promised to call Jesus and straighten everything out.
         About two hours later while I at the local gym doing an hour on the treadmill, I got a call from Jesus, who either said that he was painting the kitchen right now, or they needed to go to lunch, or he had a doctor’s appointment.  In trying to understand him, any of those translations sounded about right.
         About an hour later, I got a call from Jesus’s uncle informing me that the entire crew would be back some time tomorrow. 
Ten minutes later, Bob called to say that Jesus was going to various hardware stores looking for the stain that we didn’t want.  He had discovered that the original manufacturer was no longer making it and he was trying to match the color of the original stain.
I asked Bob if he heard me plainly state that we didn’t want any stain, that stain was not part of the job, that we would not pay for stain or staining, that stain was never, ever, never to be done on our house.  Bob said he not only heard that we didn’t want stain, he recalled also shouting the words, “NO STAIN.”  Obviously something was lost in the translation. 

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