Sunday, February 26, 2012

Email off, email on thanks to #Apple in #Santa #Fe

At least they were solved until the next morning, wben I tried to sent out emails again and failed.
I called Apple back, reminded them of the service plan I bought the day before and was referred to another tech adviser.
This time, I was told, in no uncertain terms, that I was in the wrong place.  So I went through the phone chain again:  Time-Warner to Apple, etc.
He pointed out that I was using Entourage to send and receive email, and this was a Microsoft product.  He convinced me to call Microsoft, which I did.
Then, while in the hands of another polite lady and while fiddling with the password and email designations, I realized that my name (Norman Mark) did not agree with my nickname (normanmark) and the email (NMark, etc.) did not agree with anything else.  (Not even my alternate email persona: Normal Mark.)   So, while my Microsoft helper was on the phone, I made everything agree, including the capital letters: for one email area, I made sure that the name was NMark and not something else.
After saving my efforts and running a test (sending the email to myself), everything worked perfectly.  Email went zipping back and forward around the Earth, easily and as quickly as my wheezing computer could approve of everything.   Until the next morning. 

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